
When will artificially intelligent agents be granted human rights?
In 2013, I penned a trilogy called Quantum Entity. The story follows physicist Damien Bell and a large group of[...]
Beating Back the Blues and Charting a New Course…
-for entrepreneurs, business owners, creatives and professionals YES, I want to apply to and sign up for Bruce Firestone’s Beating[...]
Taglines I like
Bruce M Firestone, PhD Marketing and branding are key to any enterprise’s success. Maybe more so today than at any[...]
Business Model Illustrations Handbook: FREE COPY!
Get your FREE copy of Business Model Illustrations right now and my BEST updates delivered to your inbox If you'd[...]
Michael Jordan and CMRR, Committed Monthly Recurring Revenues
AIR JORDAN BREAKS THROUGH TO THE OTHER SIDE Bruce M Firestone, PhD I learned recently (mind you from watching an[...]
First client advantage
Want to know how important a 1st client is? Well, read on... Suppose you and your spouse are walking past[...]
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