Your Real Estate Team
If you want to be successful in real estate, you need a good team around you, one you can trust and who are really good at what they do.
Your team should include:
–deal-making attorney
–residential realtor who knows what s/he is doing
–commercial realtor (same thing)
–mortgage broker who gets deals done
–creative interior designer plus a talented group of contractors/renovators/handypersons/trades
–competent property manager (if you are not doing it yourself)
–a tech provider
–accurate surveyor
–fair appraiser
–thorough home or building inspector (who can not only tell you what’s wrong with a property but also how to fix it and how much it will cost)
–willing bank and other secondary lenders
–knowledgeable engineering/environmental/soils consultants
–no nonsense urban planner
–effective lobbyist
–title insurance/mortgage insurance/building and property insurance/life insurance providers
–coach/mentor who assists you in terms of setting goals and achieving them
–creative home stager and artful landscaper who helps you not only maintain the outdoor space but improve it
–accountant with knowledge of the real estate industry assists you to be tax efficient and get your holdings structured properly.
You will also need good relationships with suppliers for building materials and appliances as well as with your city’s buildings and plans departments so when you need something from them (like a building permit, a license, an occupancy permit or an inspection), you get them on a timely basis.
@ profbruce
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