We want Canada to be as successful as America

By Bruce Firestone | Uncategorized

Nov 01

New US ambassador to Canada Ms Kelly Craft wants Canadians to be as successful as Americans.

Now that’s a lofty goal.

Here is a letter to the editor that kind of sums up how far Canuckleheads have to go to catch up to our Yankee friends to the south:


When I read this, it helped explain why so many Canadian business models when expanded to the US don’t work all that well–think Canadian Tire or Tim Horton’s. 

The American market is vastly different–it’s made up of a small cadre of ultra, mega rich people and then hundreds of millions of others struggling to make a living. That’s why “everyday low prices” (think Wal-Mart) works so well there.

Europeans find it hilarious when folks in North America buy six pairs of
socks for $5 and then have to throw them out because they have holes in them
after two or three washes. 

Instead, they’ll pay 20 euros for nice wool socks, which they’ll eventually hand down to their grandchildren.

But if you’re working for minimum wage in the US ($7.25 per hour in
2015), a pair of socks for 83 cents looks pretty good.

Prof Bruce

Bruce M Firestone, B Eng (civil), M Eng-Sci, PhD, Ottawa Senators founder, Real Estate Investment and Business coach, ROYAL LePAGE Performance Realty broker, 1-613-762-8884 bruce.firestone@century21.ca twitter.com/ProfBruce profbruce.tumblr.com/archive brucemfirestone.com


postscript thanks to Ralph Shaw for bringing this to our attention… 

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About the Author

Bruce is an entrepreneur/real estate broker/developer/coach/urban guru/keynote speaker/Sens founder/novelist/columnist/peerless husband/dad.
