Want a Piece of Sens History?
Here are the desk and credenzas belonging to Prof Bruce; the ones he sat at from 1987 to 1992 while hatching what eventually became a successful campaign to Bring Back the (Ottawa) Senators.
Having downsized, he no longer can fit them in his new home office so they have to find a new resting place, which could be your abode or place of business.
They need some TLC, and apologies for the horrible photos…
How do you get them?
Make a pledge of $20 per month for 3 months to help Prof Bruce write and release:
–Don’t Back Down, the real story of the founding of the NHL’s Ottawa Senators
–Real Estate Handbook, Making Impossible Possible
–Urban Nirvana, and the Peradventures of Maddy Henderson.
How do you make a pledge?
Go to https://www.patreon.com/profbruce and join up. Then email Prof Bruce (brucefirestone @ rogers.com) to make arrangements to pick up your new (old) furniture or call 613.422.6757 x 250.
What do you get?
Sens desk, 2 sets of matching cabinets, 1 credenza
Free copy of Real Estate Investing Made Easy—How to Get Rich, For Real
Free copy of Retire Rich, Retire Early, How to Retire At Any Age, For Real
Free copy of Quantum Entity trilogy book 1
Free copy of Entrepreneurs Handbook II, You can think your way to wealth a lot faster than you can work your way there
Free copy of Quantum Entity trilogy book 2 (American Spring)
Copy of Urban Nirvana when published
Free copy of Real Estate Handbook when published
Free copy of Don’t Back Down, the real story of the founding of the NHL’s Ottawa Senators when published
and more…
Thanks for your support!
@ ProfBruce @ Quantum_Entity
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