Want a new you and a new direction/start?

By Bruce Firestone | Entrepreneurship

Mar 29

Then stop fooling around and reach out for some help from coach Dawn Macmillan Firestone, ACC, CPCC, President, International Coaching Federation (ICF), Ottawa Chapter.

Dawn has helped many people who:

  • Wanted to take stock of what’s going on in their lives
  • Wanted to push and set bigger goals for themselves and those around them–their entire stakeholder group and ecosystem
  • Wanted to learn how to make better choices and decisions, ones that are truly aligned with where they really want to go
  • Wanted to have all the tools they’ll need to help themselves and those around them succeed
  • Wanted to improve their performance and productivity at work
  • Wanted to develop a better personal brand
  • Wanted to be more focused and fulfilled

Here’s just one of Dawn’s effective programs that will make all the difference in your life now:

GPS Yourself – Find your true north

GPS stands for Guided Personal Strategy. 

Remember what Mark Twain said?

The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

So, together, let’s find your why, then develop an action plan to get you where you want to be.

“I participated in a GPS Yourself: Find Your True North workshop facilitated, in part, by a fabulous professional coach—Dawn Macmillan Firestone. She is original and creative, and delivers insight that taps into multiple intelligences ensuring you are actively engaged… You come away with an experience that moves you to a whole other level; you find out what is stopping you and what is propelling you forward so you can do more of the latter and less of the former,” Roxann 

Coach Dawn Macmillan Firestone

Let’s get your mojo back in gear!

According to Daniel Goldsmith, “Mojo is that positive spirit–towards what we are doing–now–that starts from the inside–and radiates to the outside. Mojo is at its peak when we are experiencing both happiness and meaning in what we are doing and communicating this experience to the world around us.”

Mojo is the moment when we do something that’s purposeful, powerful, and positive and the rest of the world recognizes it.

This is a unique approach developed by professional coach, Dawn Firestone and her colleague, Raymonde D’Amour.

What if you…

  • Made choices that were aligned with where you want to get to, your why and your skill set?
  • Had tools to help you achieve success?
  • Built your legacy?

Building your future is about growing, learning and adapting every day. You want to stay true to your values and make sure they’re aligned with your vision, committing to following a new plan to get you where you want to be.

About the program

The program is built upon a tried and true methodology; you’ll do serious work that resonates with who you are.  You will establish clear connections between your values, skills and goals that will fit into YOUR big picture. By setting goals that are tightly coupled with your values, you will advance a new roadmap for your life.

“Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great mentor,” Japanese Proverb

What do you get?

  • You take time out of your busy schedule to focus on a new roadmap ahead
  • You make an invaluable investment in yourself
  • You ask yourself challenging questions and explore new ideas and new possibilities for yourself and your family
  • You get clarity around where you are now (your starting point)
  • You get tools to begin to plan your journey
  • You set your GPS for your True North (where you will be in the near future)
  • You create a plan that clarifies your intentions and guides your actions toward a clear picture of who and where you will be


10 weeks, weekly in month one; twice monthly for three months thereafter.

Week One:

What is your starting point?

  • Message Map & Personal elevator pitch
  • Your Wheel of Life (A simple yet powerful tool for visualizing all areas of your life at once to see where you most need improvement.)
  • 360 Reach Feedback (What is your brand?)

Week Two

Who/What’s on your team?

  • Values & Skills
  • Crew (A crew is made up of people who are 99.99% committed to your success and remember – everyone has a Leader Within (You are your own captain). 
  • Saboteur (Don’t sabotage yourself)

Week Three

What is your destination?

  • Life Purpose – Your ‘Why’
  • Vision

Week Four

What is your roadmap?

  • Revised Wheel of Life/Values
  • Revised message map/elevator pitch
  • What needs to happen to change and improve in your life?
  • Action plan and commitment

Weeks Six to Ten

  • Formulate clear goals to help you achieve what it is you’re trying to achieve
  • Boost motivation (your driving force)
  • Set targets and goals
  • Act and make things happen
  • Embrace accountability

Once you’ve established an internal reason for doing something – your ‘why’ – you can nurture it. You’ll find decision making easier and make better decisions; your purpose will guide your way. You’ll feel excited to work on your future as you recognize why you’re so passionate about you are doing.

How coaching can help

Your coach’s role is to help you uncover what your “why;” help you identify what’s stopping you and work with you to overcome obstacles.

Your coach helps you uncover your own motivation and give you the tools you need to keep the fires burning bright.

Here’s the crux of it… you want to make better decisions, so you are on the right track almost all the time. It’s definitely not 50/50; you want to be right 97, 98 or 99% of the time so you can make your life better.

“Coach Dawn, I wanted to tell you that your life coaching is absolutely amazing. Within seconds, I felt I was getting help. For the past year, I feel like I’ve made huge strides towards reprogramming myself on the business side and growing as a person as well. Now, after one session with you, I feel this relief and freedom that I’ve never felt before. I cannot wait to get started with my new coach to discover and introduce myself to the real Raymond and phase out my inner saboteur,” Ray, business owner (name changed upon request)

Talking to you during regular sessions, your coach suggests new perspectives and offers inspirational resources. Different techniques like meditation and journaling and scheduled follow-up help as well. Your coach gives you a sense of accountability; helps you set targets and goals and encourages you to complete tasks before each session. This encouragement along with increased self-awareness naturally takes place during the coaching process; it’s incredibly powerful.

Image source: By Kokcharov – Own work, CC BY-SA4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=44917532


Before you sign up, reach out to Dawn at dawnf1@rogers.com for your free Zoom clarity call!

  • $250 + applicable taxes per session for 10 sessions
  • Included: all prep time, email time, texting and follow-up material
  • Includes personal Reach 360 Feedback Assessment
    • 360Reach is the first and leading web-based personal brand survey that gets you the critical feedback you need so you can expand your career or business success. It’s an integral part of the personal branding process and an indispensable tool for thriving in today’s professional environment.

“This GPS journey is a MUST DO to help you find your true north star. An amazing experience that leaves you thirsty for more,” Lise B

Dawn Macmillan Firestone


President, International Coaching Federation (ICF), Ottawa Chapter

Email: dawnf1@rogers.com

Phone: 613-293-2825

Website: https://brucemfirestone.com/coaching/dawn-macmillan-firestone-life-coaching/

I help you succeed!

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About the Author

Bruce is an entrepreneur/real estate broker/developer/coach/urban guru/keynote speaker/Sens founder/novelist/columnist/peerless husband/dad.
