We have pretty much abandoned MSM advertising as being too expensive, ineffective and, for what results we do get, hard to quantify.
Having a website (about a dozen of those), a zillion social media accounts like I do (twitter, facebook, instagram, pinterest, RESAAS, google +, linkedin, patreon, even a we heart it account), a youtube channel (2 of them actually), 3 blogs (tumblr and 2 of my own), a 6,000-person newsletter, and an email address book with more than 10,000 entries is nice, but it’s a bit of a mashup, and not in a good sense at least as far as marketing is concerned.
We are also active—in terms of paid advertising—on facebook, craigslist, google’s ad words and kijiji. Still, it isn’t really all coming together. Social media and coupon advertising/marketing can be useful and important channels, but it’s also a much more complex field than you might think–you’ll need a guide, a curator, an expert or you’d be better off spending your money on nice trips, tesla automobiles, and the next hot smartphone to come out.
So when 7 dog-year* old Treasure Chest came to see me and explained what they do, it didn’t take us long to decide to hop aboard. TC clients can recruit and reward social network friends, fans and followers to help with selling or finding items and services. They are also open to creating new ad categories that suit our interests plus they make it possible to draw in a wide audience who are interested (we hope) in what we do. Moreover, they are leveraging other social networks not replacing them.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLDBWdd_MBc]Remember, new marketing is about earning people’s trust rather than just buying it.
Bruce M Firestone, PhD
Ottawa Senators founder
Century 21 Explorer Realty broker
January 2015
* startup years should be measured in dog-years so 7 dog-years = 1 solar-year.
As an example, my mother told me when I was involved with NHL hockey back in the day, that Sens-years were 2 for 1 so when I turned 49, I was really 98, older than she was, and she was right.
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