Tag Archives for " streetscape "

Jan 18

Why Not Theme Individual Streets as well as Homes?

By Bruce Firestone | Uncategorized

Why not theme individual streets in your town as well as individual homes? Pick a theme for each street… based on its name, its history, its geography, its community, its ecology, whatever. Boost its property values and its household income via micro businesses and other built-form animations (eg, coach houses, in-home suites, storage sheds…). Here’s […]

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Oct 20

Treescape Value

By Bruce Firestone | Uncategorized

I’ve argued since the 1990s that organized street tree planting adds a lot of value to a home. In the order of 6%. This is what is known as a positive externality: if your neighbors or your city decides to plant trees on your street, your property value goes up without you having to do […]

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