Want to create an above-average performing real estate investment portfolio and/or a PB4L (personal business for life) that will take care of you and your family for 3 generations?
Want to learn how to finance, buy, lease/rent, animate, and manage real estate properly?
Want to know the secret to driving up the value of your real estate then refinancing it and rinsing and repeating til you have a portfolio of the size you want/need?
Want to find your why? Want to do what you love?
Want to meet other people who are successful and suppliers you can trust?
“I just finished watching another one of the ROI Group’s recorded online meetups. I loved the way (architects) Patrick Rutherford and Patrick England from https://www.p2concepts.ca/ created a 25-unit, three story multi-residential building with no corridors and no common area with a floorplate that is larger and more efficient than what I thought possible by adding louvre-enclosed stairwells constructed in the setbacks. I also liked the idea of adding dumbwaiters in those stairwells to effortlessly move groceries, suitcases and so on. This episode gave me ideas for my next set of projects!” Christian Szpilfogel, property manager and developer”
Want an O-YES strategy (a one-year exit strategy) from a job you hate?
Want to learn amazing business models where the harder you work, the more $$$ you’ll make?
Want to know how to find clients and customers by pressing an “easy button,” one that makes your phone ring or your email/text message inboxes ping?
“Prof Bruce will show you, through his business and real estate investment coaching, how to create wealth over the long term as opposed to ‘capture’ it. There’s a serious difference between the two (one is sustainable, the other is not),” Brian Dagenais, Dagenais Properties
Want to be part of a movement that not only creates more value for investors, landlords, and owners but also for tenants, guests, visitors, whole neighborhoods, cities, towns and villages?
Want to learn how other entrepreneurs financed and got their own PB4Ls off the ground?
Want to be a spreadsheet pro and critical path scheduling expert so you can bring projects in on time and on budget and, even better, outperform even your most optimistic ROI (return on investment) projections?
Want to learn how to pass on your PB4L and real estate investments in a cost effective way to your heirs without lawyers, bankers, accountants, executors or tax collectors getting in the way?
Want to find out how the rich got rich and how they stay that way?
Then join the ROI Networking Group now.
Everyone wins.
How do I join?
Simple. Let your host and moderator, Bruce M Firestone, PhD, know you’d like to be included. Email: bruce.firestone@century21.ca.
What do I get?
We meet once a month online via Zoom for 90-minutes (from noon til 1:30 pm ET), 2nd Wednesday of each month. There are no meetups in August (holidays!) or December (Xmas parties and family time!)
There will be an initial 15-minute presentation by your host (on some days) and others bringing up new ideas and business methods/models.
Followed by a peer-to-peer, questions and answer session
“Roy and I continue to grow our rental portfolio, Bruce. We are now at 16 units, which will soon be 20! The next two are semi-detached. This is keeping us both very busy. Conventional mortgages continue to be our main challenge, but we are happily working for ourselves thanks to our coach!” Roy and Tammy
All meetups are recorded and put (unlisted) on YouTube so, if you miss a meeting, you can still see what was covered.
Those links are only available to members.
Special guests and experts will join us from time-to-time.
You get access to Prof Bruce books, https://brucemfirestone.com/books/ and videos, https://www.youtube.com/user/ProfBruce/ and blogs https://brucemfirestone.com/blog/, https://profbruce.tumblr.com/archive.
You get unlimited email and text support from Prof Bruce and from your peers.
“Bruce, you are truly an awesome person. Thank you for what you do for people like us—teaching us to be Firestone Institute co-coaches and giving us our own personal business models for success. We are all lucky to have you in our lives,” Trish
And much more.
Your investment?
If you are a Firestone Institute co-coach or have been coached by Prof Bruce or taken one of his courses, the answer is: Nothing. It’s free.
If you join our Facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/reiroi/, you can also join our online meetup group for free. How about that!
If you’d like to sponsor the ROI group as well as participate and get some exposure for you or your organization, you pay $175 CAD a month + HST. That’s all. It’s month-to-month so you can leave the sponsorship any time.
We take a break every August and December, so no meetups or fees in those months…
Numbers are limited so let me know asap if you’d like to join…
What’s required? Your pledge?
While attendance is not compulsory, we ask that you make best efforts to attend each zoom meetup. Peer-to-peer coaching requires an effort by all attendees, not just your host/moderator. You are expected to submit your “burning” question or new idea 3-days before each meeting to your host so an agenda can be created and circulated to all. You are also expected to answer your emails and texts from your peers and your host–it’s all about community self-help. You also agree to keep confidential all information gleaned from these coaching sessions and to only use ideas, concepts, models and other IP (intellectual property) generated during these sessions with permission of the contributor. You will also show respect and consideration for the community and individuals involved—remember, there are no dumb questions.
Yes, sign me up for the ROI group!
Here’s my pledge: I agree to abide by and be bound by the sentiments expressed above, signed:
X __________________________________________
PRINT NAME: __________________________________________
DATE: ______________________ CELL: ___________________________________
EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________________
Why we started the ROI Group
The ROI Group was formed to create a forum for interested parties to get together online (and occasionally in the real world too) to speak to issues surrounding the creation of vibrant communities that are sustainable in every way. The idea is to find new, innovative ways to meet multiple “bottom lines” including how to:
If you would like to sponsor the ROI Group, please let your host know. Sponsors, like members, have certain privileges.
If you’d like to sponsor the ROI Group: contact Bruce M Firestone, bruce.firestone@century21.ca
I agree to an investment of $190 per month + HST. The arrangement is month-to-month and may be cancelled by either party on 30-days email notice.
Yes, bill my credit card $190 monthly + HST for our sponsorship. Sponsors, please provide your host with a professional picture of yourself, a link to your website and a short bio/cv/explanation of your value proposition that can be added to our website…
Payment method: _________ Visa _________ MasterCard
Cardholder name: _______________________________________________ Cell number: ________________________ (with area code)
Account number: ________________________________________________ Expiry date: ___________________
CVV: ____________
Signature: ___________________________________ Postal Code: ___________________ (associated with card)
HST No 13644 8024 RT0001
Please return to:
Bruce M Firestone, B Eng (civil), M Eng-Sci, PhD
Real Estate Investment and Business coach
Century 21 Explorer Realty Inc broker
Ottawa Senators founder
Sponsors, like members, have certain privileges.
For more information:
Bruce M Firestone, B Eng (civil), M Eng-Sci, PhD
Real Estate Investment and Business coach
ROYAL LePAGE Performance Realty broker
Ottawa Senators founder
Images: By United States Mint – United States Mint, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=687304
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