Putting Your Script/Book/Opus on InkTip

By Bruce Firestone | Uncategorized

Dec 07

InkTip connects screenwriters and authors with producers looking for works they can make into TV pilots, series or films. It is just one step in a very long chain from ideation, writing to option, production and premiere.

Every 6 weeks, you can go back on InkTip and boost your work to the top of the page much like kijiji allows you to do that every 72 hours.

Please also read Getting Your Work Produced as a Film or TV Pilot by Hollywood by Jim Dobkins for more of what you can do to get your work in front of the right people. 

Here below is what I did for book 1 in the Quantum Entity Trilogy on InkTip. 

Step 1: Select Main Genre, Secondary Main Genre, Sub-Genres and Themes

For QE, I selected:

Sci-fi and romance for main and secondary genres.

Sub-genres included– adventure, futuristic, high tech, love story, multi-generational, political, romance, strong female lead, war/military 

For themes, I chose– family, immoral elements, inspirational, moral message, spiritual, high society, other social issues

You will also have to select number of locations (6-9 for QE), number of main/supporting actors (7-10), amount of special effects (some) and age and gender of lead characters (2 female leads, 1 male, young adult and adult).

The summary looks like this–

Quantum Entity | we are all ONE PP by  Bruce Firestone

Book Sci-Fi   7 Dec 2013 

Step 2: Add a Logline

Here’s what I wrote for QE–

A brilliant, other-directed young physicist loved by two women—a performance artist from Palos Verdes & a marcom graduate from prestigious Elmira College—unleashes unlimited bandwidth quantum phones & intelligent quantum entities on an unsuspecting world threatening to undermine encryption algorithms allowing the Internet to resolve.

To learn how to write a logline, please go to: How to Write a Logline

Step 3: Add a Synopsis

My PhD supervisor, the late Dr Max Neutze, told me that the title can’t be as long as the story. Neither can the synopsis. Here’s what I wrote for QE; it’s less than 450 words. Yours should be too.

Quantum Entity Trilogy—Synopsis

By Bruce M Firestone

This is a trilogy that concerns itself with the big questions about life and the small details of how we live it. Young Damien Bell, physicist and engineer, designs then unleashes Quantum Communications and Quantum Entities on an unsuspecting mid-21st century world. The tech company he co-founds along with Romanian mathematician Traian Vasilescu and Elmira College marcom graduate Ellen Brooks, Quantum Computing Corporation (QCC), becomes a fast growing, vastly profitable, globe-spanning one in a remarkably short few years.

Inevitably, they come into conflict with established commercial interests as well as security agencies around the world, first, because their quantum phones completely disintermediate established carriers and, second, Quantum Entities (QEs) are fully actualized quantum computers that are not only superb examples of AI but appear to be conscious, sentient creatures come to join humanity on its voyage to a collective destiny whatever that may be. What it also means is that Internet security, paywalls and all forms of digital encryption are wide open to possible exploitation by QEs and their human counterparts as well as QCC.

The introduction of Quantum Communications and Quantum Entities leads to an era of Quantum Economics (later called the Quantum Era), a time when scarcity becomes a thing of the past at least for some. It also leads to a new competition amongst nations—some like the US embracing (to an extent) the new era while others such as Imperial China apparently reject this new technology. This leads to a clash amongst world powers where Imperial China and its ally, Germania (a renamed EU), attempt to impose a new hegemony on a mostly unwilling planet. The last book of the trilogy follows the lives of those who would resist a new Cartesian axis tyranny.

The trilogy spans four generations and follows three (somehow interconnected) families (the Bells, the Brooks and the family of Chief Dan of the Hopis of Third Mesa) as well as introducing a wide cast of supporting characters and geography.

Book 1 shows what it is like to conceive, found, grow and then defend a major tech biz. Book 2 looks at what it takes to rescue a moribund economy after a great reset and meltdown. Finally, Book 3 examines what it is like to organize a massive project in resistance to those who would seek to dominate and enslave our world; it also tries to answer big questions including: are we alone in the galaxy, where are other intelligent species, why don’t we see them, what is the purpose of life and what’s next for humanity?


Step 4: Add your CV

Try to keep in short. You know if you are a really important person, your cv can be just one line like, say, Barrack Obama, POTUS along with the presidential seal. For the rest of us, it needs to be longer but not pages and pages.

Resume for Bruce Firestone

The Writer

Bruce Murray Firestone, B Eng (Civil), M Eng-Sci, PhD, is best known as a professor, entrepreneur and founder of NHL hockey team, the Ottawa Senators and their home arena, Canadian Tire Centre, as well as author, Entrepreneurs Handbook II, Real Estate Investing Made Easy and Quantum Entity Trilogy.

Firestone is executive director of Exploriem.org, a Canadian registered not-for-profit corporation focused on educating and mentoring entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and artpreneurs in Canada and around the world. He is also a coach, mentor and teacher. Prof Bruce is an effective keynote speaker for organizations with a positive focus on creating opportunity for their stakeholder group. Firestone advises counties, towns and cities as well as economic development agencies on how to develop live-work-play communities based on the principal that is nothing is sustainable unless it is also economically sustainable too.

Prof Bruce has launched or helped launch more than 300 startups in fields including tech, real estate, design, art, entertainment and services. He advises clients on business modeling, self-financing, smart marketing, social media, differentiated value, strategic selling and business development, market channel development, harnessing the Internet and mobile web, urban design, real estate development, design economics, product management, sponsorship, fundraising and development economics as well as issues related to entrepreneurial organizations including not-for-profits, NGOs and charities.

In May of 2006, Dr Firestone joined the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management at as its first Entrepreneur-in-Residence. He previously taught or studied at McGill University (Bachelor of Civil Engineering), Laval University, Harvard University, University of Western Ontario, University of New South Wales (Master of Engineering-Science, Traffic and Transportation), Australian National University (PhD in Urban Economics) and Carleton University. Prof Bruce is now teaching product management at the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Engineering.

Dr Firestone has been an operations research engineer, real estate developer, hockey executive, professor of architecture, engineering, business and entrepreneurship, real estate broker (with Century 21 Explorer Realty Inc), writer, researcher, consultant, columnist and novelist. He is a peerless husband and father of five great kids and one fine grandson.

You can follow him on Twitter @ProfBruce and @Quantum_Entity and read his blogs at www.profbruce.tumblr.com, www.eqjournal.org and www.dramatispersonae.org. You can find his works at www.brucemfirestone.com. You can engage with him on Facebook via—https://www.facebook.com/QuantumEntityTrilogy and https://www.facebook.com/Exploriem as well as via LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/profbruce. His real estate interests are summarized at www.OttawaRealEstateNews.com. His YouTube channels include— https://www.youtube.com/user/ProfBruce and https://www.youtube.com/user/quantumentitytrilogy.

His current motto is: “Making Each Day Count”.

Step 5: Upload Copy of your Work
You also upload a pdf copy of your work to the site for entertainment professionals to view/read.
Step 6: Contact Information
This is obvious but make sure you are reachable.

Name: Bruce Firestone Address: 900 Morrison Drive Suite 206 City: Ottawa State: Ontario Zip: K2H8K7 Country: Canada Phone: 613.566.3436 x 200 Cell/Pager: 613.762.8884 Fax: 613.566.3442 Email: ninabrooks@rogers.com  

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About the Author

Bruce is an entrepreneur/real estate broker/developer/coach/urban guru/keynote speaker/Sens founder/novelist/columnist/peerless husband/dad.
