Jan 26

Ice Hut Rentals

My friend, Nick Katchmar, builds and rents ice huts/fishing huts. 

They come with:

-propane heater or woodstove



-bait (essentially a 

bucket with minnows in it and a bubbler to keep ‘em alive)

-firewood skids

-augur (for drilling through the ice, duh)

-solar panels with 120v inverter (so you can charge up your smartphone and tablet)

There is no licensing requirement, but you do have to register your fishing hut and get a number from the city–it’s free.

It’s so they can ID your hut if it breaks through the ice and floats away during spring thaw…

FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, it costs $100/day or, if you stay overnight, it’s $120. Monday to Thursday, it’s $60 per day.

Here’s what Nick had to say about his new business: “My brother owns a rental property, a duplex; he makes about $200 a month net from the damn thing. For all the work and aggravation, it doesn’t seem worthwhile to me. Meanwhile, I can make that a weekend with my ice huts with a lot less hassle plus I don’t have to pay any property taxes!”

Nick and his wife rent RVs and tiny houses in the summer. Nick also runs a great heating, ventilation and cooling biz, https://www.kemptvilleheating.com/

More info: 613-867-3838 masterflowheating@gmail.com

@ profbruce @ quantum_entity

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About the Author

Bruce is an entrepreneur/real estate broker/developer/coach/urban guru/keynote speaker/Sens founder/novelist/columnist/peerless husband/dad.
