How to Sell Lots of Lots
How do you sell rural lots and cottage lots?
Millennials, as a group, don’t seem to think much about living large in a rustic setting. Not for them the dream of suave country living like this:
Far better, to be in a micro condo (less than 375 square feet), 25 stories up above a pub downtown.
I mean collisionable hours to a farmer means getting your arm sawed off in an unshielded tractor power takeoff rather than accidentally bumping into your tech bro at the bar, and launching yet another useless internet service, only yours matches up one armed farmers with one eyed partners (so they won’t notice you’ve only got the one arm).
Anyway, I’m sympathetic ‘cuz when you buy a lot, you’ve bought a problem, and when you buy a house (even a condo), you’ve bought a solution.
So here are a few ways we’ve found to sell more lots:
-give each buyer a free bunkie so even before they build a home, they can enjoy their lot
-relax your minimum lot sizes and house sizes (but not your environmental covenants)
-let people have coach houses in addition to bunkies, in-home suites and, of course, the main house
-this way you can raise their cap rates (ROI), allow for multi generational living, and create a place that serves not only the family but their guests, friends, employees, suppliers…
-heck, let them build outbuildings, workshops, garages too
-permit them to have tiny houses as well as RVs
-make the neighborhood a community by adding learning opportunities, sports park, market garden and picnic area
-use architectural theming throughout to create a sense of place
-use conservation subdivision design principles and communal services
That may help convince a new generation that there is a life beyond the concrete jungle…
@ profbruce
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