Feb 14

How to Pay for a New Arena at LeBreton Flats without Public Funding?

That is the question.

Most American major league sports owners ask their local municipalities or states for some type of contribution towards the cost of building new stadia or arenas–tax breaks, public capital contributions, proceeds from new sales taxes or a percentage of an existing one, a tax on hotels, restaurants and bars…

Imagine the advantage of having the public foot some or all of the cost of a new building then giving it to you for a cost of $2 per annum?

I recently asked myself, “How can the Ottawa Senators pay for a new arena at LeBreton Flats without public money?”

Well, they could go back to the original Bring Back the Senators plan, which was: 

(more coming soon)

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About the Author

Bruce is an entrepreneur/real estate broker/developer/coach/urban guru/keynote speaker/Sens founder/novelist/columnist/peerless husband/dad.
