My wife came up with a new idea (at least, new to me). How about we pay for travel, but stay for free?
How would that work?
By house sitting/cottage sitting/pet sitting for other folks who want nice, reliable people to care for their biggest, most important assets…
Tons of sites to choose from!
Now you may end up sitting a cottage in the winter or a city home in summer, but it sure beats lazing on your lay-z-boy chair watching Netflix night after night.
And it’s cheap.
A new “job” for elders?
I mean one of the biggest problems of owning a cottage is break and enters in the off season. How many elders would be usefully employed minding the store while richer folk are away? Shucks, maybe even young people would do it if it was free and they needed some place they could “afford”.
Heck, we might even offer to pay utilities while we’re there.
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