Bruce M Firestone’s Quantum Entity | we are all ONE Reviews

By Bruce Firestone | Uncategorized

Jun 06

You’ve got a winner here. After reading Part I, Discovery, I was
totally hooked. It’s better than ‘The Goal’ and more entertaining even than

David Perry,
Partner, Perry-Martel International, Co-author, Guerrilla Marketing for Job
Hunters 3.0


QE is an adventure as exciting and unpredictable as the
unveiling of a new technology or discovery of a new love. It’s a great tale
about human spirit and its persistence. Quantum Entity had me on edge waiting
to see what would happen next.
It was also a learning journey for me as much as for the book’s main
character—young physicist, Damien Bell. The book is about politics, the law,
science, science fiction, science speculation, engineering and, above all,
founding a globe-spanning, disruptive tech business and then facing down
unexpected challenges that come with it, which form the core of the challenge
that all entrepreneurs face. A great read for individuals from any background
with lots of action and adventure thrown in as well as a moving love story—it’s
the beginning of a trilogy as enthralling as quantum technology itself.
Franco Varriano,

Firestone writes with an authenticity that can only come from
someone who has lived a life full with opportunities that stretch far beyond
the confines of normalcy. He speaks with a voice that comes across with the
legitimacy and simple power of other entrepreneur/explorer/authors such as
Louis L’Amour or science fiction great Frederik Pohl. With an open, friendly
and often humorous voice, the story speaks directly to the reader with the best
of down home phrases and expressions. It makes this novel refreshingly
approachable and charmingly geeky.
In a sense, Quantum Entity is a work of post-science fiction. Where science
fiction has always used the ‘big idea’ to push forward a futuristic view of the
world, Firestone uses hundreds of smaller ideas, some new, some old, some
experiential, some based on common stereotypes and many drawn from points in
our shared history, to draw a very believable map of how the next life-changing
innovation may well be born into our world. Firestone uses these to empower the
believability of the story while also engaging the reader, laying out simple
yet highly fundamental ideas of business, politics and science which can often
escape even seasoned professionals. The big idea is still there (and it is a
game changer) but it is built on a foundation of smaller fragments which are
the real critical underpinning of this first book in his trilogy. This
tessellation of content to illustrate the bigger whole demonstrates that
Firestone himself is a hacker; an individual capable of using and repurposing
the best ideas to generate something familiar yet brand new.
Extending current models and trajectories of thought in a believable and
engaging way, Firestone paints a picture of the future which somehow bridges
being both optimistic and cautionary by laying out scenarios of a
not-so-distant world which are both satirical and serious. Its central motto
is: “Fall down 7 times, Get up 8” which means that Quantum Entity shows that
despite setbacks, political wrangling or outright failure, humanity has always
succeeded in pushing through the barriers it creates for itself. Whether it is
Civil Rights, Women’s Right’s, Gay Rights or even one day perhaps the rights of
our digital or Quantum Counterparts, the drive to freedom will always be at the
heart of human nature.
Janak Alford, M. Arch.,
Founder, prototypeD Urban Workshops Inc.

Quantum Entity, written by serial entrepreneur Bruce M.
Firestone, introduces an amazing concept that both educates and entertains. It
has humble beginnings then explodes outward dealing first with the success of a
young company then its trials which rival both the awesomeness of some of
today’s top tech enterprises and the awfulness of dealing with political insiders,
dug-in business interests, lawyers and litigation. Damien Bell, QE’s main
protagonist, is a deep and attractive character—he embodies the spirit and
drive of top tech entrepreneurs while still managing to maintain a humble
outlook on life. It made me want to better myself.
QE also introduces a wide cast of passionate characters who surround Damien and
Quantum Computing Corp, his startup. There’s a sense of camaraderie that
developed for me with these people and a strong distaste for the book’s
antagonists and anti-heroes. Prof Bruce found a way to create both an amazing
story and one that teaches real life lessons. While his novel keeps you
thinking, there’s also no shortage of action, adventure, betrayal, sex and rock
& roll to keep you turning page after page.
Chris Beaudoin,

Having recently re-read Mary Shelley’s classic gothic tale
Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus, it was intriguing to take up Quantum
Entity immediately thereafter. From early nineteenth-century Switzerland and
Bavaria, I was jolted into mid twenty-first century North America but with
eerily parallel moral and ethical dilemmas to ponder.
Frankenstein’s monster is a hideous creature, who, when spurned by his creator,
malevolently turns on him and those he loves. Damien Bell’s creatures are
seemingly benign and totally plugged into an artificial post-digital universe.
Though having little or no mass, they verge on becoming sentient beings—having
the power of perception.
This sci-fi thriller is a page-turner with plenty of twists and turns but along
the way Prof Bruce suspends the narrative to launch into any number of
mini-essays on social, political, scientific, engineering and business issues.
We watch as socially awkward quantum physicist Damien, flying with pop princess
Nell in her private jet, decides this is the perfect time and place to start a
discourse on the Russian Dachnik movement for sustainable agriculture. Nell
falls asleep. Go figure.
Pick up Quantum Entity and learn more about this cast of characters human as
well as artificial but beloved creatures called Quantum Entities. You’ll be
glad you did.
Paul Kitchen,
Hockey Historian

I really enjoyed Book 1—it gave me a fascinating view of what
may lie ahead in the not so distant future, God help us. I came to care what
happened to the characters and wanted to get to know them better. I also
laughed out loud at times. The novel introduced me to many complex concepts and
I found myself thinking on occasion: ‘Huh, I didn’t know that.’ It was a
pleasure to read the manuscript.
Margot O’Neil

I read QE while I was in the Caribbean. First, I want to say
that I really liked the book—the story is compelling and interesting. Second, I
love the characters. My only real criticism is I want more! I’m anxiously
awaiting Book 2.
Christian Brydges

Prof Bruce has taken a lifetime’s worth of lessons in business
and life and successfully threaded them into a science fiction story set in the
not-so-distant future. Quantum Entity entertains the reader while providing
valuable insight into the fundamentals of creating a biz model and launching
it. With predictions and commentary on issues related to politics, commerce,
ancient civilizations, pop culture, science and engineering, Firestone has
created a captivating story. By outlining core beliefs of his characters, his
readers can see beyond conventional norms. Quantum Entity is not for the faint
of heart though. Some events are quite graphic. However, if you’re an
entrepreneur, an engineer or someone looking for a literary roller coaster,
Quantum Entity is the right book for you.
Matthew Conley,
Finance, Telfer School of Management

This is a well-crafted story about young physicist Damien Bell
that nicely blends science, business and technology with some great characters
set in a nearby future history. It’ll keep you reading to the end! Fall down 7
times and Get up 8? That’s me!
Ken Goodfellow,
Chairman and CEO of CKG International,

Quantum Entity is a beautifully written story about Damien
Bell—a brilliant young engineer turned businessperson who changes the world.
Firestone crafted a thriller that kept me engaged the whole way! I really
enjoyed it especially since I could really relate to both Damien and my
favourite character, Miss Nell.
Isack Galib,
Telfer School of Management Alumni

Quantum Entity is a story of love and life’s lessons. It’s about
growing up, trust, passion, business, entrepreneurship, finance, history… my
list goes on. The detail captivated me throughout the novel but it was the
ongoing mysteries that excited me for what’s next.
Theresia Scholtes,
BA Law (Minor French),
Carleton University 2011.

Although this tale takes
place in mid 21st Century North America, the relationships between these
wonderful characters and the challenges they face are timeless. Reading Quantum
Entity has made me a more effective leader—I respond to challenges in my own
life in ways I have never been able to do before. Thanks, Prof Bruce.
Saad Rashid 

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About the Author

Bruce is an entrepreneur/real estate broker/developer/coach/urban guru/keynote speaker/Sens founder/novelist/columnist/peerless husband/dad.
