Adding Value to Your Home and Your Community

By Bruce Firestone | Uncategorized

Jun 06

(This article was
originally written for

As people who have followed my career will already know, I like
real estate projects that not only create private value but pay public
dividends as well. Developers realize that municipalities and community groups
are going to demand additions to the public room and public benefits before
approving real estate projects these days. It’s not unique to real estate
though—nations have been known to leverage public property like radio spectrum
in return for, say, greater Canadian content—but it’s more regularized, in
fact, built-in to the process of real estate approvals.

But what if providing public benefits could also boost private returns.
That would be useful, right?

To read more, please

Bruce M Firestone, B Eng
(Civil), M Eng-Sci, PhD, Century 21 Explorer Realty broker, Ottawa Senators
founder, 613.422.6757 x 250 text: 6137628884
@profbruce @quamtum_entity

Impossible Possible

Posted in Business MethodsCap RateCapitalismCity BuildingCreativityDesign Economics,Differentiated ValueFinanceFuture VisionInvestingPolitical EconomyReal EstateUrban Design,Urban EconomicsValue Proposition

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About the Author

Bruce is an entrepreneur/real estate broker/developer/coach/urban guru/keynote speaker/Sens founder/novelist/columnist/peerless husband/dad.
